“Members of my crèche have suggested that you cannot be my father since you are not Mae?”, she said boldly yet with great pain.
Morn of Redemption
It was that Sehles’Ah Selef arrived at the Great Tree of her fore-father, Jaeoph to attend and maintain the ancient family home for her education…
All for the Love …
“Ye fool! Ye love-sick fool!” – “Yer ne’er gonna get ‘er in the sack by strainin’ an makin’ that silly face ye men do to yer females!”
Police Time – One Day is a Thousand Years …
The science of mankind reached its apex during the eleventh age of discovery. It was a time of renewed development which arrived upon the heels…
The Aelvin Long-Script and Mae’n Written Language
Recorded – Benito Castinelli, Servant of Mindanto, Recorder of the last days of common man Part One – The Aelvin Long-Script and Mae’n Written Language…
The Dark Sisterhood. Loveliest, most alluring of women. Timeless beauty upon ageless bones.
The Eve of Redemption
Gaiae did not speak rather she took a breath amid the cool silence of the morning there on her balcony with the steam from her tea rising up into her strikingly lovely face.
Beginning… Ending
As he placed his shining gauntlet on the great door of the chamber Davaronna turned and looked over his shoulder at his king. The look…
That which Defines
“Draevan, Master, might I ask you something?” From his young face there ebbed a dark and somber light. Likened so much to that haze which…
The New Testament Brotherhood
” … Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away…” Mae’n Librium of Xenological Studies, Lexicon of Humanity, Ref.,Christo –…